Through the years there have been several good list of tools available to make a developers life just a bit easier. These lists seem to come and go with little review and/or substance on what the tool can do for you. I’ve put this list together in the form of blog entries to provide both more information and a means to search the list with tags. You can also expect the publish date to reflect the last time I took a close look at the tool. Enjoy and please notify me should you find a better tool or something out of date.

Typora - A New Type of Markdown Editor

1 minute read

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. It has most commonly been associated with the fil...

Why are you NOT using Visual Studio Code!

2 minute read

Seriously, in the last 2-3 years VS Code has surpassed editors like Vim, Notepad++, Atom, Siblime Text, etc. VS Code is a top shelf open-source editor that...


1 minute read

Recently a colleage of mine introduced me to a network AI tool our company had begun to use. The tool allows you to setup different types of pattern matchi...

NuGet Package Explorer (NPE)

less than 1 minute read

NuGet Package Explorer (NPE) is an application that makes it easy to create and explore NuGet packages. You can load a .nupkg or .snupkg file from disk or di...

XML Notepad 2007

less than 1 minute read

Here is an old one, but a good one and you can’t beat the price…FREE! XML Notepad is exactly what you would think it is, a stand alone XML editor that goes ...

Working with JSON

less than 1 minute read

If you’re doing anything web services that return JSON here are some useful tools.