Typora - A New Type of Markdown Editor

1 minute read

Image Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. It has most commonly been associated with the README.md file that you find in most GitHub repositories which automatically renders the file in a formatted view. As a result, markdown has become commonly used for documentation inside code repositories. In fact, this website is hosted on GitHub Pages which uses markdown files for all of the site content. You can find out more about markdown at Markdown Guide and Writing on GitHub .

Typora is a new type of markdown editor. Where most all markdown editors, like VS Code have one window in which you type the plain text markdown and another window in which you can preview that text in a formatted view. Typora removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. The result is a seamless experience in an editor that serves as both a reader and a writer. And yes, I’m using Typora to type this article.

If you do any kind of markdown editing, I strongly encourage you to download the editor for a 15-day trial and I guarantee you will be sold on paying $14.99. And did I mention, it runs on Mac, Linux and Windows.