Developer Tools
Through the years there have been several good list of tools available to make a developers life just a bit easier. These lists seem to come and go with little review and/or substance on what the tool can do for you. I’ve put this list together in the form of blog entries to provide both more information and a means to search the list with tags. You can also expect the publish date to reflect the last time I took a close look at the tool. Enjoy and please notify me should you find a better tool or something out of date.
Typora - A New Type of Markdown Editor
Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. It has most commonly been associated with the fil...
Why are you NOT using Visual Studio Code!
Seriously, in the last 2-3 years VS Code has surpassed editors like Vim, Notepad++, Atom, Siblime Text, etc. VS Code is a top shelf open-source editor that...
Recently a colleage of mine introduced me to a network AI tool our company had begun to use. The tool allows you to setup different types of pattern matchi...
NuGet Package Explorer (NPE)
NuGet Package Explorer (NPE) is an application that makes it easy to create and explore NuGet packages. You can load a .nupkg or .snupkg file from disk or di...
XML Notepad 2007
Here is an old one, but a good one and you can’t beat the price…FREE! XML Notepad is exactly what you would think it is, a stand alone XML editor that goes ...
Balsamiq Mockups - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
A picture is worth a thousand words. So when it comes to showing your users what the application is going to look like Balsamiq Mockups (
Working with JSON
If you’re doing anything web services that return JSON here are some useful tools.